
73 : A Father’s Perspective


In today’s episode, I have a very special guest who I hold closely to my heart, my dear husband, Justin.

He is going to share with us how he dealt with grief, express it, and how he held our family together during the darkest part of our lives.

Episode pointers:

  • We grieve differently. It depends on every individual’s personality.

  • It’s easier for a mom to go to another mom to share her grief journey. 

  • We often think that husbands are strong enough to handle the grief on their own. They need support, too!

  • It’s okay to talk to a grieving dad and bring up the experience.

  •  It is really special to have that support from other people.

  •  It was really hard to connect and to be on the same page.

  • Child loss can put your marriage into a test. It gives anxiety in the relationship. Try to connect to each other and work on your relationship as well.

  • Your therapy should be about your grief and not how to support your wife. You are grieving as well. Take care of yourself first.

  • If you can cry and express your emotions you feel a lot better afterwards.

  • Crying is to show your love to someone who is going through a similar type of grief journey.

Tips for wives to understand their grieving husband:

  • Give him his grieving space, give him time to address that and try to talk about it.

  • If he is acting differently ,frustrated,has anger ,and  shortness in temper,it may mean that he is  struggling with grief.

  • Try to give more space and understanding.

Both of you love your child. Both of you miss her/him them so much but 

the way it’s coming out is different and it is expressed differently.

If you want to apply for a spot for 1:1 Grief Coaching, go to

If you are a grieving mother and looking for others who know the pain of child loss, come join my free Grieving Moms Community Facebook group: