
102: Learning to Love Yourself


Episode Pointers:

  • Learning to love yourself is not something that happens overnight, but it’s so important.If you want to love others well, you have to learn to love yourself first.

  • When you learn to love yourself, you can take care of yourself.You can give love to others without depleting yourself. 

  • Oftentimes, we don’t have much compassion for anyone else when we are hurting.The pain is so overwhelming that we can’t connect and get resentful towards others.

  • Working with moms has shown me that many are walking around with beliefs like:

- You don’t deserve to be happy.

- You are bad.

- You are not good enough,

- You don’t deserve anything good in your life. 


             These kinds of beliefs are the lens through which you look at your life through.

  • When you have these beliefs, you see things differently than if you were looking through a lens of compassion and love for yourself. Looking through different lenses can totally change how you tell your story. ( EP 51 : What Story Are You Telling?)

Ways in Loving Yourself:

1. Loving yourself includes looking through the lens with compassion and understanding that you would give to others in your life if they were going through a similar situation. 

2. Noticing the words that go through your mind as you berate yourself and deciding that you can talk to yourself in a way that you would talk to a friend. 

  • Learning to be comfortable with who you are, and loving yourself anyway is a beautiful thing, not a selfish thing.

  • When you come from a place of love within yourself, it’s easier to give that love to everyone else around you.

Recommended Book : The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown

Struggling with the emotions of anger, guilt, sadness, and anxiety after the death of your child? Come join me and other grieving mothers in a 3-day workshop, Relief in Grief to help you learn how to process the emotions and thoughts that come with grief. This will be on July 14th, 15th, and 16th. You do not need to do this alone, get on the waitlist at

If you want more tools to help you, I have a workshop called Stop Talking Start Feeling, it’s a workshop that dives into emotions, what they are, and how you can begin to feel and process them and get them out of your body instead of stuffing them down. It also goes specifically into processing and releasing the emotions of guilt and sadness. You can get access to this workshop and all the extra things I have in there for only $27. Go to to check it out. 

If you are a grieving mother and looking for others who know the pain of child loss, come join my free Grieving Moms Community Facebook group:

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