
101: Using Colors with Mehnaz Khan

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Mehnaz Khan is an Artist and a Color Psychology Specialist.  In today’s episode,she will share how colors affect the way we feel and the way we think.

Episode Pointers :

  • Everything in the environment like every single element of a painting, a decor, or texture impacts the subconscious mind.

  • Colors are not only visual stimuli but they can impact you both on a psychological and emotional level.

  • Every time a color is processed in your mind, there are some chemical changes happening in your body.This why you can use colors to improve your productivity to cope with everyday anxiety, to enhance the quality of your sleep, and so much more.

  • This is not going to fix the grief 100% because you have to do the internal work but this is a very it's a great supporting mechanism.

  • Your home should reflect who you are.

  • You need all the colors. So, when we create a monochromatic space or neutral space, you're living in one state of emotion which is not natural to human beings.

  • Everything in the environment is a reflection of an internal.

  • These colors are good at inducing sleep : light blue, light green, light pink.

  • These colors energizes you : orange and yellow

Reach out to her through her :

Website :

Facebook: Mehnaz Khan Studio
Instagram :  Mehnaz Khan Studio

Her Favorite Book:
Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss

Struggling with the emotions of anger, guilt, sadness, and anxiety after the death of your child? Come join me and other grieving mothers in a 3-day workshop, Relief in Grief to help you learn how to process the emotions and thoughts that come with grief. This will be on July 14th, 15th, and 16th.You do not need to do this alone, get on the waitlist at

If you want more tools to help you, I have a workshop called Stop Talking Start Feeling, it’s a workshop that dives into emotions, what they are, and how you can begin to feel and process them and get them out of your body instead of stuffing them down. It also goes specifically into processing and releasing the emotions of guilt and sadness. You can get access to this workshop and all the extra things I have in there for only $27. Go to to check it out. 

If you are a grieving mother and looking for others who know the pain of child loss, come join my free Grieving Moms Community Facebook group:

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