138: A Peek Inside of Grieving Moms Haven
What does it look like inside of Grieving Moms Haven? And I’m not sure if it’s for me.
Right now, when you join Grieving Moms Haven, you get to be a part of an extra call a month where we are walking together through the Life After Child Loss Program. So it’s 5 months of extra support as we walk through this together. The first call bonus call we will be diving into curiosity and how to get curious with your grief and your life. And after Tuesday night, enrollment is closing and you can’t join us until the next month. And when it reopens the monthly rate will be higher.
So in this episode, I wanted to answer some questions that might be coming up for you in relation to Grieving Moms Haven, and if you should or shouldn’t join us there.
Maybe you are wondering if it would actually help you. Maybe you’ve tried many things- medication, therapy, support groups, other programs, and it seems like nothing has helped.
I can promise you, that if you come inside of Grieving Moms Haven, and do the work, go through the program with us, you can’t help but change. There is just no way you can do this work and not see a bit differently than you did before.
This work inside of Grieving Moms Haven is both physical, emotional, and mental. We dive into your thoughts, and help get clear on what you want to think on purpose, but also how your emotions feel, help you experience and connect with your body and all of the emotions of grief so that you can experience life to it’s fullest.
The only way through grief is through grief, and it can be so uncomfortable to do this work, or to make time to sit with your emotions, so the calls are accountability in a way, where you make time to sit with your grief and we work through emotions on the calls.
There is just nothing like this that I know of out there for grieving mothers. If you have lost a child, everything inside of here is made specifically for you, and if you do the work, it will make your grief a little bit lighter, and at the very least, help you feel understood, and know that you are not alone on this journey that feels so incredibly lonely.
Another thing that could be coming up, is maybe you don’t want to be part of a group, but you still want to learn the tools and skills to help you cope. Well, the beautiful thing is you can join and connect as much as you wish. If you want to, you come on the calls and interact and share, you join the private group that connects in between calls, but if you want to do this all more privately and by yourself, there are videos, tapping practices, meditations, workshops, and the whole Life After Child Loss Program that you can go through on your own.
The thing is, that this work can be hard to do, and sometimes it’s hard to find the motivation to sit with your emotions or connect with your body, so these coaching sessions and time where we spend together actually doing the meditations and tappings together, is like your yoga class or workout class. You make sure that you do spend that time connecting with your body and feeling your emotions, because you come on the call. But- if you are good at doing those things on your own, that option is available to you as well.
Maybe you’re not wanting to be locked into anything long term. That’s exactly why I created this membership. You can do 1 month and get through the Life After Child Loss Program as quickly as possible, or you can stay for many months. For however long you want or need. Because each of us needs different things on our path. And where else can you get all of this, tools, coaching, connection, classes, workshops, and help for only $47/month? And, after this month when Grieving Moms Haven closes, this is the last time you can get it for $47. When it opens up again, it will be a higher rate.
Okay- what else.
This is what you can expect inside of grieving Moms Haven in terms of the actual things.
We do a coaching call 2 times a month that includes meditations, tappings, breath work, time to chat and get coached, time to share what’s going on with you, a safe space to take off your mask and not have to pretend that things are better than they are. You can be real and be exactly where you are at.
Then for the next 5 months, we will have another call that’s going through the Life After Child Loss Program together. On this call, we will discuss each section of the program, I will answer any questions you may have, and also help coach you through the thought process and untangle the thoughts you might have that are causing you extreme suffering as you walk this path. So in the first two calls we do a lot of emotional processing, and in this call we do the thought work, and mental work and clearing out the cobwebs in your brain!
Then- we have a private group chat that you can connect with moms if you want in between calls. From sharing pictures of their children, to support and encouragement on hard days, this group chat is a life saver.
You get access to the Life After Child Loss Program, and many tapping, meditation, and grief videos. Processing deep emotions like sadness, guilt, anger, apathy, numbness, and giving you meditations to listen to. I’ve been told many times that my voice is calming and that these are the first meditations they’ve been able to do, most of the time they can’t get present with the meditation, but the ones I have created have been helpful.
This is what a mom has to say about the Life After Child Loss Program: Going through the course in Grieving Moms Haven, I have been given some very valuable tools that I can implement on a daily basis. It's like a roadmap. Implementing these tools was a real eye opener for me. I was connecting to my body , and I was amazed at what feelings came up...With the visualizations or breath work I was able to release the feelings of sadness, guilt, or anger and my body was able to feel peace. I was very much up in my head all the time. These tools that we get to experience with Megan are instrumental for me to experience and adapt to carrying grief along with other feelings like hope or happiness. I am learning that grief is normal and all that I feel is okay.
You also get access to a whole library of meditations, workshops, visualizations, tapping meditations, all which is created specifically for child/baby loss- like anger tapping meditations, guilt tapping meditations, sadness ones as well. It’s a place that you can come when you are having a very hard day and use these tools to help ground you and process what is coming up for you.
At the end of the day, Grieving Moms Haven is a place of hope. A place you can come to learn to process the pain, to carry your grief, to know that one day you are going to be okay. But for now, you have a safe space to process, and that your grief is not too much. Your grief is normal, and you can learn tools to put in your toolbox to make your life better. This is a place where you can take off the mask you might be wearing or pretend you are okay, when really you are just shattered and trying to get through every day. Maybe you are numb, and are tired of just going through the motions every day. Or you can’t do anything else because grief has taken over your life and you don’t know how to get out of it. No matter your experience, you are welcome here.
So- if you want to join us as we dive into the Life After Child Loss Program together- come join Grieving Moms Haven and find a place of support, connection, community, and hope. You can join by going to www.grievingmomshaven.com.
I can’t wait to see you inside!
If you like this podcast, and found it helpful, I want to invite you come check out Grieving Moms Haven, my monthly community for Grieving moms, where you can learn positive coping mechanisms, find a safe space with others who understand, and learn life long skills that support you as you learn how to carry this weight of grief in your life.
There are group coaching calls where we do guided meditations, tapping meditations, breathwork, and just talk, knowing that everyone in the group is also walking the path of child loss
You can come check out Grieving Moms Haven at www.grievingmomshaven.com