
79 : Physical health vs mental health


Are you healthy? What are the ways you do to make yourself healthy?

Remember, that being healthy is not only physically but also mentally.

So often, physical health takes precedence over mental health. And it shouldn’t be that way.

Episode pointers:

  • We cannot see what goes on within someone else’s body or within their mind. So often, as the person who is living in a stressed state, or in deep grief, you might feel like you have to try to convince others that this really is as bad as you say it is. And then because it doesn’t seem to be that big of a deal for other people, you minimize your own suffering and say there’s just something wrong with me. I don’t know what’s my problem.

  • Due to COVID, we are expected to wear a mask to prevent the spread of the virus. However, I couldn't wear one because I can’t breathe.I have a medical condition but it wasn’t something I could actually prove because it’s in my mind. 

 I had an experience where I was that they made me put the mask over my nose the whole time, and I was so close to having a panic attack.

Then I realized this might be why it’s so hard for me. I almost drowned when I was younger, and I’ve always had a need to breathe like even if my husband gets too close, I’m always like back up I need to breathe!

  • When you are struggling with emotional health, mental health, things people cannot see but are inside of you, it’s so hard to believe that there is something that you could get help for. It’s so hard to try to “fight” for yourself. Feeling like nobody will believe you. Nobody understands, and you just start to think something is wrong with you.

  • Here’s the thing with mental health. Grief, PTSD, anxiety, depression, any other mental health struggles, you cannot see from an outside perspective. It’s all internal. It’s all inside of you. And take PTSD as an example, there is something that has happened in you that absolutely needs professional help and support, yet because it’s internal so often women second guess themselves.

Maybe I’m broken? Maybe I’m just weak? Other people can handle this, why can’t I?

  •  It’s easy to start to justify why you feel the way you do, or shame yourself into not getting the help you need because maybe you are making a bigger deal of it in your mind than it actually is.

  • And yet- mental struggles are truly causing so much suffering. And with covid and the focus on physical health, mental health suffering has just gotten worse. It’s continuing to get worse because as a society we don’t say it’s important enough. 

Are you caring for your mental health? 

  • For some reason, with mental health, it’s harder to get help, because maybe it means you're weak. Maybe it’s actually admitting you feel broken. Maybe it’s terrifying because then you actually have to change something. Or maybe you have had a horrible experience with trying to get help and you felt misunderstood, pushed on, forced to places you weren’t ready for.

Your life doesn’t have to be one of absolute suffering. Of emptiness and void of purpose. When you get the right tools and support, it’s amazing how much can begin to shift and change for you. 

  • You can absolutely learn tools to help you. And taking care of yourself mentally and emotionally is one of the most important things you can do.

  • Because our mental health and emotional health affect everything in your life right? Your relationships, your finances, your happiness level, your ability to cope, your job, your outlook on life, EVERYTHING!

So, why not take it as seriously as it is?

  • Your mental health is so important, friends. And nobody else can decide for you that you need the help. That you need to care for yourself and your emotions and your mind.This is something you have to decide for yourself. Please, please, please get the help. Get the help before it becomes an emergency. Get the help you need, friend.

I would love to offer you my workshop called STOP TALKING, START FEELING in which it gives you tools to understand your emotions and your thoughts, along with guided meditations, and ways to process specifically the emotions of guilt and sadness that come with grief.

If you are interested in joining this workshop it’s only $27, and you can get it by going to

If you are a grieving mother and looking for others who know the pain of child loss, come join my free Grieving Moms Community Facebook