
97 : The Finality and Acceptance of Death


Episode Pointers:

  • Acceptance is something that seems so hard to be okay with. You know the fact that your child died and yet something in you fights this reality. Because you don’t want to believe it. And maybe if you keep fighting it, it means it didn’t happen or it’s not true.

  • You never have to accept anything. You don’t have to accept that your child died. You don’t have to accept that they are not here. You can fight the rest of your life if you want. 

  • However,fighting and not wanting to accept the rest of your life seems so exhausting and causes so much suffering.

  • When you accept the reality, you can begin to heal and do the work.

  • Acceptance does not mean you have to be okay with the fact that it happened, or that you have to be okay with how it happened. For me, the beginning of acceptance means that you acknowledge that this did happen, and you cannot change it.

  • Acceptance doesn’t have to mean that you are done grieving, and moving on with your life. It can actually mean that you are accepting that you will grieve the rest of your life, that you will miss them forever, and that you are willing to do the work of living fully while grieving.

  • You do not have to suffer and resist everything in your life. It’s when you let go of the resistance of what is, that you can begin to make changes that help you.

  • Acceptance will take a whole lot of weight off of your shoulders, and give you a peace to build your life bigger around your grief. 

If you want to join my  100th podcast episode + birthday giveaway, please check the full details on I’m giving away some products that I’ve found very helpful and useful on my grief journey including some books, affirmation cards, and a journal, as well as some spots in my next Relief in Grief workshop (coming up in July), some spots to my Life After Child Loss Program, and a free 1:1 coaching call with me. 

If you want more tools to help you, I have a workshop called Stop Talking Start Feeling, it’s a workshop that dives into emotions, what they are, and how you can begin to feel and process them and get them out of your body instead of stuffing them down. It also goes specifically into processing and releasing the emotions of guilt and sadness. You can get access to this workshop and all the extra things I have in there for only $27. Go to to check it out. 

If you are a grieving mother and looking for others who know the pain of child loss, come join my free Grieving Moms Community Facebook group: