202: SIDS and Finding Meaning in Your Work With Jenna Rogers
SIDS or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is the sudden and unexplained death of a baby younger than 1-year-old. In this episode, we get to talk with Jenna Rogers - Faith’s Lodge’s VP for Development - as she shares her story and experience with grief and having to lose his son at 11 months old during his nap. How she and her husband dealt with the pain and how she found meaning in helping other parents cope with their own grief through working with Faith’s Lodge.
How Jenna grabbed an opportunity to work in Faith’s Lodge to share her passion for the organization and its vision for the community. Once started as a passion project and memorial for her son - Noah, to organize a fundraising golf tournament, and the proceeds were donated to Faith’s Lodge to help and serve more grieving parents.
We also talked about the following:
How things have shifted; Setting high expectations towards dealing with grief might cause you to get hurt more; not to overwhelm yourself and take things minute by minute for it to feel less consuming.
Having more children after your child’s death; how Jenna’s next child saved their lives
Overthinking the whole first year of your newborn if he is still breathing in his nap. The trauma on the supposedly regular thing - sleeping baby.
Going to Faith’s Lodge three weeks after Noah’s death and being surrounded by people with the same experience of loss and feelings as yours.
Slowly the pain will heal over time but your grief won’t heal. You will just learn to live with it. As you live day by day, it will become less hard. You will just get used to it, sadly.
Links to any resources: (add any resources mentioned in the episode)
Website: www.faithslodge.org/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/faithslodge
Facebook: www.facebook.com/FaithsLodge
Are you ready to stop cycling in the pain and anguish of grief? What if you could get a moment of calm and respite? After your child dies, everything feels hopeless and dark, and it’s hard to even think straight. Staying in survival mode keeps the cycle going.
Register to watch this free video on how to stop the pain, and feel better again.