
302: Radical Remission With Christie Miller

302: Radical Remission With Christie Miller

Christie Miller is a fun-loving, action-oriented mindset and business coach, motivational speaker, and author of The Playlist for Life. 

Her career has spanned roles as a financial analyst, corporate attorney, interior designer, and even an LA County Sheriff. These diverse adventures were not just jobs, but stepping stones toward her real calling: coaching others to believe that anything is possible and helping them overcome their fears, so they can play to win in all areas of their lives. 

Christie lives in Southern California with her husband Mark, whom she fell in love with during an unforgettable "72-hour blind date" in 1987, and their beloved Labrador, Winnie. 

Here’s a fun fact about Christie: she has manifested winning THREE cars with her remarkable skills.

Born prematurely and addicted to drugs, Christie was not expected to survive, let alone thrive.

Yet, her true strength shines through not only in overcoming these early challenges but also in her battle with Stage 4 breast and brain cancer that began in June 2022. 

Recently declared a "radical remission miracle", Christie’s journey is a powerful testament to her

invincible spirit and the life-changing mindset techniques she champions.

Connect with Coach Christie Miller


For daily motivation, fitness tips, and more! @CoachChristieMiller

For exclusive content, live sessions, and a supportive fitness family!

Free Resources

What's Your Current Mindset Persona? Quiz

Discover your mindset persona with Christie's free quiz and start your journey to a stronger, more resilient you.

Becoming Unstoppable: 3-Part Live Experience

Join Christie in this transformative 3-part live experience designed to help you become unstoppable. This event is free and packed with actionable insights.

Register Here (Link will be active before July 11th)

Have you been experiencing anxiety and triggers?

The racing mind, unable to sleep, waiting for the next bad thing to happen, unable to breathe, panicky kind of anxiety, whole body riddled with anxiety?

I did too after my daughter died, and I no longer have anxiety or trauma…

Watch my free training to learn more about how it’s possible for you too!