
105 : Emotional Eating with Natalie Brown

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Episode Pointers:

  • Eating when we feel an intense emotion works temporarily. That's why we keep going back to where we started.

  • Sometimes, we think our emotions are interconnected with eating. This is the fuel that drives our behavior.

Steps in Dealing with Emotional Eating:

1. Be where you are 

-  Be aware of where you are and recognize your feelings.

2. Meet yourself where you are

- Tell yourself the truth about what you’re feeling and be willing to feel it even for the shortest amount of time.

  • Those people who use food as a solution is not really great at feeling their feelings

  • There are a lot of great free meditations like Body Scan, that can help you in getting present with yourself.

  • In grief, we are sometimes unwilling to feel positive emotions. Try to be open to pleasant emotions, as well as uncomfortable ones.  Feel the peace, contentment, or happiness even just for a minute. Spend time there and recognize what happiness feels like in your body.

  • Every emotion goes and comes over and over again.

  • Eating unhealthily and saying, “It doesn’t matter “ and “ I deserve this” is a complete lie. What you deserve is to feel good and be healthy.

  • Love yourself and accept yourself now.

Reach out to her through her :




Her Favorite Book:
More Than A Body by Dr. Lexie Kite and Dr. Lindsay Kite

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