
308: Staying in Intergrity

308: Staying in Integrity

Welcome to the Joyful Mom Podcast!

I have been very non committal in my life. I have not wanted to commit to anything because of many reasons, but it’s been hard to commit because maybe it’s the wrong choice, or maybe I won’t feel like doing it when the time comes.

I got a part of this from the book the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. I actually don’t quite know what the whole book is about as it kind of went over my head, but I took this one piece away from this book which I’ve noticed more and more that I pay attention and want to stick to what I say and what I commit to.

So- the word that I want to talk about today is integrity. Being in integrity with what you say, with what you commit to and what you are doing.

I’ve thought about it because there’s such a movement to like listen to what you are feeling, and if it’s too much, just back out, or if you don’t want to, then don’t do it.

And with integrity, here’s how I see it. If you said you will do something, you do it. And you maybe be thinking but what if I didnt’ realize I would be so overwhelmed or it would all be too much. This is where really honoring the process of deciding yes and no and what you can commit to or not commit to is a good practice. 

A definition I found of self integrity is this…Self-integrity is all about doing what you've told yourself you're going to do. It's about commitment and holding yourself accountable. And once you get in the habit of keeping your commitments to yourself you'll experience and feel your confidence grow.

But from my understanding, it’s really about doing what you say you are going to do, not only for other people, but mostly for yourself. Because you are the type of person that does what you say you are going to do.

Don’t get me wrong, in ways I do not always do what I say I’m going to do, but I love to have this lens in my mind, and try to pay attention to if I’m going to commit to something, am I fully committed, and willing to do this, or not.

If you have found yourself where there is a pattern of canceling plans last minute, changing your mind last minute. Of course this can happen sometimes, but if you look back on your life and you can see a pattern of this happening again and again, then you are out of integrity.

With what you say you are going to do. And here’s why this is a problem.

For you, it makes you trust yourself less and less. If you say you are going to do something, and then you don’t do it, mind automatically gets it that what you say isn’t true, of value, or needs to be listened to. 

So you are harming your relationships with yourself, your self worth and it just feels terrible to constantly back out of things.

Wait a second. I say it feels terrible. But this is what it may look like. You make plans with a friend, and you agree to get together on this date. As the time approaches, maybe you get anxious, maybe you are feeling overwhelmed, maybe you don’t feel like visiting someone, whatever the feeling or reason is. And you really don’t want to go. And you may fight with yourself a little bit, should I cancel? Should I not? And then when you finally decide to cancel…you might feel relief. So it might actually feel better to cancel. You might be being rewarded to cancel. Because now the anxiety can go away. The overhwhelm can go away, because you no longer have to do that thing.

But again, it’s terrible, because you are harming yourself, and in terms of anxiety, canceling last minute and finding the relief of anxiety for the moment actually only increases anxiety and makes it a bigger problem in your life

Here’s the other part of integrity and not doing what you say you are going to do. I’ve been on the other side of someone canceling on you. It also feels terrible. When I make plans with someone, I create a spot, a space in my day for them. For that time together. I make sure nothing else is planned for that day. And then- they cancel. And if this happens again and again, do you think I want to continue to try to get together with this friend? Not really. I’m not interested in making an effort in a relationship that someone just keeps backing out of and canceling on.

So- when you make a commitment, or a promise to do something, think twice about it. Don’t just make promises and commitments with no thought behind them, thinking you can always change your mind. You can, but it’s better for you, for your relationships if you think about it, and only say yes to things you are actually willing to follow through on.

This is what integrity is. To be your word. To follow through on your word. And if something needs to change, be proactive in your communication.

What do you think? Is integrity something that you can get behind? Are you like whatever Megan, I’m good! Either way is fine with me, I have just found that doing more of what I say I’m going to do, rather than make promises I can’t keep has been better for me and for relationships!

If you could take a moment and go leave a review wherever you are listening from, I would be so grateful. It would give me the boost to get back doing episodes weekly again! I’ve kind of gotten off track with this, as my attention has been focused elsewhere in my business. But I really do enjoy doing this, and I really would appreciate you leaving a review!

Until next week my friends, see you then!

If you want to learn more about how you can clear overwhelm more automatically by rewiring how the mind is working and processing things, go to my website where you can click on a link to register for my free training, where I will show you what you need in order to do this.