
82: Encouragement to do Nothing


In this episode, we are going to talk about how taking breaks in your grief works.

Episode Pointers:

  • It is a ton of work to manage your mind, your emotions, and sometimes you just want to throw it all out the window and just be where you are at. You recognize that you feel crappy, angry, depressed, but you just don’t want to do anything to change it right now. 

  • I talk a lot about the healing work, effort, and mental and emotional work that comes with grief, but sometimes you just want to sit in the muck. Sometimes you just want to have a bad day.

  •  We do not need to be happy all of the time. We do not even need to try to be happy all the time or enjoy and soak in every moment. Some moments are exhausting, tiring and you don’t have the energy to try anything else.

  • It’s okay to not be doing grief work every moment of your life. It’s okay to zone out for a bit. It’s okay to numb scroll through FB or IG. It’s okay to have a day where you do nothing and sit around all day. Give yourself the break in that way too.

  • You cannot be every single moment in the deep grief work. You cannot be in processing mode every second. 

It’s like you step back, take a break, and then you get back to it.

  • Give yourself a moment to do whatever you want, that might not necessarily be what you want to choose all the time, but just feels like you need a day for it. 

If you are interested in tools for when you get back up from doing nothing, I have a workshop called Stop Talking Start Feeling, that dives into emotions and thoughts, and how they are so connected to your grief. Then there are sections specifically for guilt and sadness, and how you can begin to process and work through them. If you want to learn more about this workshop, it’s only $27 and you can go to to learn more!

If you are a grieving mother and looking for others who know the pain of child loss, come join my free Grieving Moms Community Facebook group: