
312: 4 Hidden Mistakes Making Your Anxiety Worse

312: 4 Hidden Mistakes Making Your Anxiety Worse

Welcome to the Joyful Mom Podcast!

I want to preface this whole episode by this fact. Everything I’m going to share, is a part of anxiety and there’s a reason if you’ve been doing these things that you’ve been doing them, because anxiety is so uncomfortable. So as you listen to these things- they absolutely make anxiety worse, but what I would ask of you, is if you find yourself doing these things, have some compassion for yourself, because it’s almost as if you can’t help it because anxiety is so powerful….and if you want help with these things, I can absolutely help you, and while they may feel impossible to stop, there are things we can do to help and make it a lot easier. 
Without further adieu, let's dive into these things…Again- you may find yourself doing some, you may find yourself doing all…just give yourself some grace!

1. Caring about it

The more you care about the sensations or thoughts that come with anxiety, the bigger they get. If you don’t care, they get way less. For example..have you ever noticed that if you’re anxious and then you start noticing that your chest is tight, and then you start really paying attention to it and getting more worried about it, it’s almost like it gets worse? And the anxiety gets more intense?

So this is where anxiety about anxiety comes into play. Where you care so much about whether you have or experience anxiety or not, that this is actually what makes anxiety worse if it happens to pop up. So not only did it pop up, but now it’s getting so much worse! How the subconscious mind thinks about this is this way- that the response that’s going on in your body is a result of fear response, which means, the subconscious mind has detected a threat, this could be real or imagined, and so because it detected a threat, all the sensations are happening in your body. So the subconscious mind thinks there’s a lion chasing you for example. And then, if you were to start getting nervous about tightness in your chest, the subconscious goes, oh my gosh, there must be 5 lions, so lets start ramping this up- thus anxiety and sensations increase.

2. Believing the thoughts/feeding them

It seems like I don’t have to tell you, but maybe I do have to say this, that 99.9% of thoughts that come from anxiety are not true or not useful. And the more you feed them, the more they come. Think of them like seagulls on the seashore. When you start to feed a seagull, what happens? All the seagulls come out of nowhere! More and more and more. So when you start feeding the seagulls, it just gets worse. It’s the same with thoughts. When you start feeding them, they also get worse. If you don’t have a way to just shut the thoughts off, which is what I do nowadays because I can communicate to my unconscious mind so I can turn them off, but when you can’t do that, at least stop feeding them.
But when you start to realize that if you’re having anxiety, and any of the thoughts that are coming in are likely untrue, then learn how to just be in the moment rather than feed them. Just watch them, and know you don’t get to choose your thoughts, thoughts just pop in your mind, So you are not your thoughts, you did not choose these thoughts, but you get to choose which thoughts get to stay and make a nest in your mind. Don’t let these thoughts live rent free in your brain.

3. Avoiding triggers and things that make you anxious

You may think that it’s better to avoid or quit things that make you anxious. It may feel better for a moment. Think if you were going to go away for a weekend, but it was making you anxious to leave your kids. And the anxiety was just getting intense, and then you decided to not go on the weekend away. This would momentarily bring a huge sense of relief. Because now you don’t have to go, now you don’t have to leave your kids, and the anxiety is completely gone. Well now, your mind just got rewarded for staying home and not leaving your kids. So now, next time you try to go on vacation, it will be even that much harder to go because the mind thinks it’s safer to stay home and it wants to keep you safe.

So while it feels good to avoid a trigger, it truly doesn’t do you any good to go out of your way to avoid doing these things.

4. Striving to be comfortable: this is kind of similar to avoiding triggers, because the reason you might be avoiding triggers or things that make you anxious, is because you are looking to be comfortable. One of my favorite quotes is when someone strives to be comfortable, the less comfortable they are, and the more comfortable someone becomes with being uncomfortable, the more comfortable they are.

I think of it this way…that when you go out of your way to do something that is uncomfortable, your subconscious mind automatically understands that it’s safe. Because no one would logically do something that is dangerous. But when you avoid things that bring discomfort, in seeking of being comfortable, then the mind starts to automatically label that as dangerous. So if at first, let's say someone started to feel uncomfortable getting on and off the freeway. And then in one direction, because it was uncomfortable and they were seeking comfort, they might start avoiding the freeway. And now, mind is starting to automatically understand that the freeway is dangerous because this person is avoiding it. And you only go out of your way to avoid things that are going to make you die, in the eyes of the subconscious mind.

On the other hand, if the person instead of trying to be comfortable and stopping going on the freeway thus making it more difficult to ever get on the freeway again, if the person instead kept going, and sometimes they might need to introduce new feelings and experiences surrounding getting on the freeway, this is something they could do inside of Cleared. My program, but the more they do it, the more mind gets it that it’s totally fine.

So can you see, in one scenario, the person got more boxed in and trapped where anxiety was controlling their life more, and in the other scenario, the person was able to expand their capacity to do things and keep doing the things they want to do..

Okay, there are the 4 things today that I wanted to share with you that are absolutely making anxiety worse if you find yourself doing them- again, they were caring about it, feeding the thoughts, avoiding things that make you anxious, and striving to be comfortable.

Again, if you are listening to this episode and you like it, let me know! Take a screenshot of this episode, share it on IG stories and tag me at megan_hillukka. I would love to see where you are listening from. And if you do that, I will send you a little gift to your IG inbox!

Next week, I’m so excited to share the episode with you- it’s a lot of my friends giving their best motherhood advice, and my friends are amazing, so I can’t wait to share them with you!

Until next week, take care!

If you want to learn more about how you can clear anxiety more automatically by rewiring how the mind is working and processing things, go to my website where you can click on a link to register for my free training, where I will show you what you need in order to do this.

311: Job Systems for a Cleaner and Happier Home

311: Job Systems for a Cleaner and Happier Home

Welcome to the Joyful Mom Podcast!

I’ve been chatting recently with my mom friends about chores and jobs for kids. So I thought I would talk about it here on the podcast, to give you some ideas if you are kinda feeling stuck or like you need some new energy with chores for your kids, or systems for your family. I will share what I’ve been doing for years. Obviously there are a million ways to do this, and it seems like everyone has to find their own system that works for them. However, I want to share this way of doing things, just as an idea, or a place to start.

First of all, before we even dive into that, let’s talk about why do you do this. Why would you have chores and jobs for your kids? Well, one reason is so you aren’t doing everything yourself. It’s exhausting to take care of everything and everyone's needs all the time, and as your kids get older, they can help out, so you don’t do all the work and you can have time to do other fun things with them. Another reason is that they learn life skills that they will need in their future. I didn’t grow up learning life skills…my one job was vacuuming the floor. I was very spoiled and my mom took care of everything. So my childhood was great, but when I got married, I found I had very little life skills- cooking, cleaning, organizing…they most certainly don’t come naturally to me at all, and I’ve had to learn them throughout my life. So I firmly believe in teaching my kids how to do things like life skills so they can be self-sufficient and take care of themselves as an adult.

I’ve found that it takes more time as they are little to teach them, and it can be kind of exhausting. They don’t do as good of a job as you would like, plus you have to teach them, it’s usually quicker and easier to do it yourself, but if you’re doing everything yourself it’s not quicker and easier. 

It is kind of like the hockey stick effect and graph. Where you are putting in the effort and work in teaching them it feels like forever, and you wonder if they will ever be able to do it without you guiding or helping them. And suddenly, you don’t have to do anything and it’s done. So that’s another reason to take the time and effort to give your kids chores and jobs and teach them how to help out around the house. They, at some point, do a really good job, without you needing to say anything, and suddenly your workload is way way lighter. 

This isn’t related to cleaning and chores, maybe it is kinda, because making bread could be a chore, but one of my children has learned how to make bread, and he can make bread start to finish without me doing a thing. It’s amazing. I can’t believe someone else in the house can make bread without me sitting by them, reading the recipe, checking in with ingredients, nope. I don’t have to do anything, and it’s glorious.

Okay- before I dive in, if you have a hard time giving your kids chores to do because you have a standard of cleanliness that you like and it’s hard to let go of that, and your kids don’t clean to that standard, I’ll try to give a few tips. I get it, because one of my kids vacuuming means my floor is constantly dirty no matter how many times they vacuum, or I show them spots they missed. Sometimes I do have to do a whole floor just so I can feel like my floor is finally clean.

So some of you might have a harder time with that than others, or than me. I have certainly let go of a lot in my house not only because I have so much else going on, but also because I see different tasks as not my job, I’ll explain this more.

So here’s how chores work in our household. My 12 year old down to my 3 year old gets chores. The younger kids get easier chores, and the older kids get harder chores, but I do think kids can do way more than you probably give them credit for. So I write everyone's name down on a piece of paper, and they each get to pick one job they want to do, and then I give them one job I want them to do. So they all have 2 jobs. They are completely responsible for this job every day for one month.

So some examples on our jobs list are bathrooms, counters and table, loading the dishwasher, unloading the dishwasher, vacuuming the floor, cleaning the living room, those kinds of things. The reason I do this for one month is I think it gives them a chance to learn the job really well, and to get good at it. And then they are responsible for something. If dishes need to be done, whoever is on dishes does them every time for that month. 

Then, when the next month comes, they switch jobs, I usually don’t let them do the same job because I want them to switch it up, and loading the dishwasher is the most loathed job in our house so that rotates out through the kids.

One thing that could be a blessing and a curse with this, I realized this after we were having a conversation with some friends about how they need to have the kitchen clean every single night before going to bed. And I was thinking about it and realized I do not always make sure my kitchen is clean every night before going to bed. Do I love a clean kitchen? Yes, but it doesn’t bother me if it’s messy going to bed. And I was wondering why, but I think here’s why. Is because when these jobs are tasked to specific kids, it doesn’t bother me because it’s not my job. Yes if it’s piling up I do get bothered, but I don’t usually take care of it, I tell whoevers job it is to come take care of it. But if there’s dishes in the sink, I don’t need to do them, because they will get done tomorrow by whoevers job it is. If there’s stuff on the counter, the person who is on counters can clean it up in the morning.

So I think that’s why it doesn’t bother me too much and why it’s a blessing because I am not stressed about cleaning or needing to stay awake to do all the things, but a curse, because my house probably isn’t in tip top shape maybe like yours might be. It’s still clean, but I’m sure it's far from yours!

This also actually works for me because we homeschool our kids. So my kids are always home. I can tell them to come do their job if it needs to be done at any time. So I’m not waiting all day long for my kids to get home from school to help out. But with them being home all the time, there’s also a constant mess being made!

I do not have a job list for myself, as I fill in everywhere else, and help out with kids as needed, and there is plenty for me to do that’s not being taken care of by the kids. But I do know some people who put their name down and then give themselves jobs, just so their kids can see that mom is working too. Because sometimes kids don’t even realize how much mom is doing, and if they don’t see you on the job chart they might think they do everything and you do nothing. So that’s definitely an option and maybe I should do that, I just haven’t. I also haven’t had my husband on a job list, he takes care of other things, though when he was home more he had a few things that he always took care of. Now his schedule is just not consistent enough or he’s not home enough to even have things on a daily basis that he takes care of. So hopefully in the future we can change that a bit.

So- there you have it. That’s how our job system works. It’s worked really well for me. We’ve been doing it for years now, and I haven’t changed it. I have not been a very consistent person in my life.I'm learning for some things, but this job system for some reason has stuck for me. It’s worked for me, and worked for my kids. Every day, they know what to do, their jobs, and their school, and they can get their job done before I even say anything if they want.

I’m curious, do you use a job system? Are you going to try this? Are you going to have your kids help out more in your home? I’d love to know! Message me at megan_hillukka on Instagram. And even better, if you screenshot a picture of this episode, and share to your stories, and tag me in your stories, I’ll send you a little gift in your inbox!

Take care my friends, see you next week!

If you want to learn more about how you can clear anxiety more automatically by rewiring how the mind is working and processing things, go to my website where you can click on a link to register for my free training, where I will show you what you need in order to do this.

310: 5 Things I'm Doing in a Really Tough Season

310: 5 Things I’m Doing in a Really Tough Season

Welcome to the Joyful Mom Podcast!

At the beginning of the year, Justin and I sat down, and had a planning meeting to dream about our year this year. We dreamed, we scheduled, we wrote, and it was so so fun. Little did we know that all our dreaming and planning for this in particular would basically all be turned on its head just a little while later and our life looks nothing like we thought it would at the beginning of the year. It’s been good things and changes, but this year has been incredibly hard.

We’ve been so blessed, and this past year has probably been one of the hardest years in a long time. Especially coming off of the last few years that were so so good. We were literally living our dreams, and then this year has been so challenging. It’s been challenging for our marriage, it’s been challenging for me, and it’s been challenging for Justin. I don’t think the kids have felt it’s challenging, but who knows.

Anyways. I wanted to share some things I’m doing when the season is very hard…yes it’s a season, and I know it is. I don’t know when the season of hardness will end, but I’ve definitely had more darkness in my mind and a heaviness in my life, and it’s  season, but a tough one…that I’m definitely ready for it to be over.

However, since I don’t necessarily have to necessarily choose when it’s over, here are some things I’m doing to make it easier on myself.

  1. Doing things I love to do. For me, these are usually sports things, in particular volleyball and pickleball. I absolutely love playing both of those. But getting outside, or somewhere and being able to run and move and laugh. Filling my days with things I love to do even though life in general has been pretty difficult, helps make the days lighter. It can be hard as a mom to get out on your own, or prioritize fun for yourself, but seriously it’s so worth it. I got a gym membership for a few months so I could go to the gym and put the kids in daycare. They also had a hot tub and a sauna which was a major plus for me to just chill.

  2. Taking care of my mind. This is probably actually number one for me. Because everything starts within the mind. So I have things that I do every day to care for my mental health and my mind. Keeping my mind clear is a high priority for me. Because I’ve definitely noticed, when I let that slip, or go a while without keeping space for this, things start to spiral or get a lot harder within my own mind. Things I do are different clearings and processes I have in Cleared. My program, silent meditations and just breathing, gratitude and sitting in gratitude for a while, being aware of triggers and things that make me emotional and either doing something to heal the trigger, or process the emotion. This is by far the most beneficial thing I can do for myself is make sure I’m doing what I can to keep my mental health stable, healthy and balanced. Because when that goes down, everything goes down.

  3. Just letting myself be. Letting myself be crabby for a bit. Letting myself be grumpy for a bit. Not thinking that I shouldn’t be in a hard season because I am, or thinking that I should be doing it differently than I am, because this is how I am doing it. It’s kind of like an acceptance of what it is. Letting myself feel, letting myself be. And of course doing what I can to make it better, but also just being. With the ups and downs of life. Life is not going to be always easy, and this year again is a reminder for me, just like Aria’s death forced me to face that, but this year is a reminder again, that there are ups and downs, and it’s okay. It’s normal for there to be ups and downs…There is a time and season for everything under the sun as the Bible says. 

  4. Finding things to laugh about every day. Mainly my kids, I laugh at or with my kids all day long. My mom has always said, if you just sit and watch kids, they are so funny. And they truly are. My kids make me laugh often, whether it’s my baby or my older kids. I love receiving the joy and laughter they bring me in my life. But in other ways too, wherever I can get a laugh, it’s great. My husband and I often laugh together, it feels like it’s probably been less lately because he’s exhausted and I’m exhausted, but laughter is so healing. So finding whatever ways I can to laugh.

  5. And finally, communication with my husband. This is something I think that will always be ongoing in our life and marriage. It’s just a very integral part of marriage, being able to communicate with each other. Like I said earlier, this year has been very challenging on our marriage, and thus there have been times when there is a breakdown in communication, or we misunderstand each other, or we have lots of arguments. But the whole point is to connect, chat, work through, and process through it together. What I’ve found is that one thing I’ve gotten better at, which I can still keep practicing at, is not blaming Justin for everything. When we communicate and talk, how I will share, or try to share what’s going on with me is something like this- this is from a specific memory I have that I’m trying to share about- it was something like this is how I feel, but I’m not blaming you, or that it’s your fault, I know this is my thing I need to process and work through, but this is what I’m dealing with and working through. I wouldn’t say all conversations go like that, and not even like that exactly, but instead of pitting against each other, just sharing honestly what’s going on, with the idea that you are both working together and trying to get on the same page. Communication is seriously everything. So that’s been challenging this year, and something we’ve needed to continue to work on.

There you have it, my 5 things I’m doing in a very challenging year thus far. I will be happy when the clouds lift and there’s a lighter season in our life, but for now, I’m super grateful for the tools and skills I have and have learned that I truly believe make this 100 times easier than it otherwise would be.

If you haven’t heard, Cleared. Is open for enrollment with a 50% off for a few days. Inside Cleared. You will find everything you need to heal and clear anxiety and triggers at the root level. This means that instead of just managing or covering up the symptoms of anxiety, you learn how to go to the root and pluck it out, so the anxiety can go bye bye. It also contains so many tools that I personally use to keep my mind Clear and my body calm. Go learn more about it at It’s only available at the promotion rate until Tuesday at midnight!

Until next week my friends! Take care

If you want to learn more about how you can clear overwhelm more automatically by rewiring how the mind is working and processing things, go to my website where you can click on a link to register for my free training, where I will show you what you need in order to do this.

309: The Role of a Mother

309: The Role of a Mother

Welcome to the Joyful Mom Podcast!

The title may be a little misleading, as I’m not going to get deep into the role of a mother, I do think it depends on each person, and personality, and family. But there is a part of the role of a mother that I want to focus on today.

It has to do with feminine and masculine energy, and how the role of a mother affects the whole household. There’s a reason there’s the saying, a happy wife makes a happy life.

Your energy matters. Your mood matters. Your mental health matters. Your emotional health matters. As the mother, you steer the ship in the mental and emotional health things.

I have gotten very frustrated with this idea. When I'm tired and at my wits end, I don’t want to be the one who is guiding the family. I don’t want to be the one setting the tone of my home. I wish it could be someone else. I wish someone else would have this very large responsibility of creating the safety and peace and the environment in my home that I want, but that sometimes feels difficult to get to.

There’s also been multiple accounts of how any successful man has a woman at home who is supporting him.

I get it, in this day maybe you have a little bit of like, moms and dads should both be helping out. I completely agree. And. I also think there’s this beautiful distinction between men and women, and our roles in our families, and how women do affect the household with their emotional and mental health. Not saying men don’t either, however I’m focusing on the mothers here.

I actually had to look this up as well, just for studies sake, because I wanted to back up this idea that a mothers mental and emotional health is pivotal for the stability of her family and home. 

When I started looking for studies, they are everywhere, of how mothers anxiety can affect her kids, the study Study: The Intergenerational Transmission of Anxiety (Beidel & Turner, 1997)

Found that maternal anxiety increases the risk of anxiety in her children.

A different study Study: The Impact of Maternal Sensitivity and Emotional Availability on Child Well-Being (Sroufe, 2005) found that “The quality of a mother's emotional connection with her child is crucial for healthy emotional and psychological development. Consistent emotional attunement is linked to better self-regulation and emotional intelligence in children”

I share this, because as moms we often put ourselves last. We give and we give and we give until there’s nothing left to give and we snap. And I’m telling you, the most loving thing you can do for your family, your children, your home, is to take care of your emotional and mental health. The impact this has on your children far outweighs any toys you buy, or a clean house, or homemade food. Obviously all of these are good things, but I would argue that your mental and emotional health is one of the most valuable things to take care of as you are raising your family.

So, when it comes to a mothers mood, feelings, all those things, I think of it almost like we set the emotional and energetic thermometer of the house. Have you ever noticed, that if you’re crabby, or short, or something, your kids don’t get easier, they usually get crabby, start fighting more. At least that’s been my experience. And then, if I do something to shift the energy or mood, like shift my mood, and then do something to shift the mood of the house, it can change so quickly. 

I want to touch on feminine energy a little bit. I don’t claim to be an expert in it at all, but as mothers we embody the feminine energy. Feminine energy is often described as a nurturing, receptive, and intuitive force that contrasts with the action-oriented, analytical, and assertive qualities traditionally associated with masculine energy. While both energies exist in everyone regardless of gender, feminine energy emphasizes connection, creativity, and flow. And motherhood is like the epitome of that. 

And when we lean into our intuition in motherhood, and when you care for your own emotions and mental health, then you have more access to that intuition without your mind being so clouded with worry and fears and stresses.

So- all this to say…you are the queen of your house my friend. I have a friend who brought some gifts to a homeschool get together. And one thing she gave us all was a crown. And I don’t remember exactly what she said, but it was something to the effect of, when I have tough days, I remember I’m the daughter of a King, and the Queen of my house.

Maybe I got that all wrong, but your role is very important in your family. You are very important. Even if sometimes you feel like you are failing, or doing it wrong, or messing up, or not good enough. You matter. You are the queen, and your kids want you to take care of you my friend.

Okay, that’s all I have today, see you next week!

If you want to learn more about how you can clear overwhelm more automatically by rewiring how the mind is working and processing things, go to my website where you can click on a link to register for my free training, where I will show you what you need in order to do this.

308: Staying in Intergrity

308: Staying in Integrity

Welcome to the Joyful Mom Podcast!

I have been very non committal in my life. I have not wanted to commit to anything because of many reasons, but it’s been hard to commit because maybe it’s the wrong choice, or maybe I won’t feel like doing it when the time comes.

I got a part of this from the book the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. I actually don’t quite know what the whole book is about as it kind of went over my head, but I took this one piece away from this book which I’ve noticed more and more that I pay attention and want to stick to what I say and what I commit to.

So- the word that I want to talk about today is integrity. Being in integrity with what you say, with what you commit to and what you are doing.

I’ve thought about it because there’s such a movement to like listen to what you are feeling, and if it’s too much, just back out, or if you don’t want to, then don’t do it.

And with integrity, here’s how I see it. If you said you will do something, you do it. And you maybe be thinking but what if I didnt’ realize I would be so overwhelmed or it would all be too much. This is where really honoring the process of deciding yes and no and what you can commit to or not commit to is a good practice. 

A definition I found of self integrity is this…Self-integrity is all about doing what you've told yourself you're going to do. It's about commitment and holding yourself accountable. And once you get in the habit of keeping your commitments to yourself you'll experience and feel your confidence grow.

But from my understanding, it’s really about doing what you say you are going to do, not only for other people, but mostly for yourself. Because you are the type of person that does what you say you are going to do.

Don’t get me wrong, in ways I do not always do what I say I’m going to do, but I love to have this lens in my mind, and try to pay attention to if I’m going to commit to something, am I fully committed, and willing to do this, or not.

If you have found yourself where there is a pattern of canceling plans last minute, changing your mind last minute. Of course this can happen sometimes, but if you look back on your life and you can see a pattern of this happening again and again, then you are out of integrity.

With what you say you are going to do. And here’s why this is a problem.

For you, it makes you trust yourself less and less. If you say you are going to do something, and then you don’t do it, mind automatically gets it that what you say isn’t true, of value, or needs to be listened to. 

So you are harming your relationships with yourself, your self worth and it just feels terrible to constantly back out of things.

Wait a second. I say it feels terrible. But this is what it may look like. You make plans with a friend, and you agree to get together on this date. As the time approaches, maybe you get anxious, maybe you are feeling overwhelmed, maybe you don’t feel like visiting someone, whatever the feeling or reason is. And you really don’t want to go. And you may fight with yourself a little bit, should I cancel? Should I not? And then when you finally decide to cancel…you might feel relief. So it might actually feel better to cancel. You might be being rewarded to cancel. Because now the anxiety can go away. The overhwhelm can go away, because you no longer have to do that thing.

But again, it’s terrible, because you are harming yourself, and in terms of anxiety, canceling last minute and finding the relief of anxiety for the moment actually only increases anxiety and makes it a bigger problem in your life

Here’s the other part of integrity and not doing what you say you are going to do. I’ve been on the other side of someone canceling on you. It also feels terrible. When I make plans with someone, I create a spot, a space in my day for them. For that time together. I make sure nothing else is planned for that day. And then- they cancel. And if this happens again and again, do you think I want to continue to try to get together with this friend? Not really. I’m not interested in making an effort in a relationship that someone just keeps backing out of and canceling on.

So- when you make a commitment, or a promise to do something, think twice about it. Don’t just make promises and commitments with no thought behind them, thinking you can always change your mind. You can, but it’s better for you, for your relationships if you think about it, and only say yes to things you are actually willing to follow through on.

This is what integrity is. To be your word. To follow through on your word. And if something needs to change, be proactive in your communication.

What do you think? Is integrity something that you can get behind? Are you like whatever Megan, I’m good! Either way is fine with me, I have just found that doing more of what I say I’m going to do, rather than make promises I can’t keep has been better for me and for relationships!

If you could take a moment and go leave a review wherever you are listening from, I would be so grateful. It would give me the boost to get back doing episodes weekly again! I’ve kind of gotten off track with this, as my attention has been focused elsewhere in my business. But I really do enjoy doing this, and I really would appreciate you leaving a review!

Until next week my friends, see you then!

If you want to learn more about how you can clear overwhelm more automatically by rewiring how the mind is working and processing things, go to my website where you can click on a link to register for my free training, where I will show you what you need in order to do this.

306: How to Save Money on Groceries with Rachel Coons

306: How to Save Money on Groceries with Rachel Coons

In this episode of the Joyful Mom Podcast, we chat with Rachel Coons, a grocery savings expert and mom of four. Rachel shares her journey of slashing her family’s grocery bill from $1,200 to $700 per month through strategic budgeting. She offers actionable tips and insights to help you save on groceries, all while navigating the busy life of a mom and fitness instructor.